Starseeds & Extraterrestrials

"I was 24 years on earth when I had my first major Starseed Awakening, though I was well aware of a deep connection to extraterrestrial beings from younger childhood. The first time I ever heard the word "Starseed" was in March 2014 during a visionary experience in which I was told by fairies:
"When music signals activate
Their souls begin to contemplate
The Starseed Children born to life
Will light the way to paradise.
Bring forth the truth, the time is now
The Starseed Children calling me
The Lost Enchanters bring to you
The hidden paths of destiny."
Not yet knowing what the word "Starseed" meant, I did some light research and read some words that described a group of people upon the earth who have been sent into human forms from their origins in space or other planets - and who have come to earth with a mission of helping the planet, and to bring about positive changes for humanity. Often these beings will arrive on earth with near or complete forgetfulness of their missions until they go through an awakening process at a particular time in their life which unlocks their lost memories and guides them into their purpose.

Prior to this a starseed might feel different to everybody else, misfitting, and as though they are in the wrong world, or are searching for their lost and forgotten origins/homes, which are elsewhere. They may also feel a deep connection to extraterrestrials/aliens and UFO's from early on in their life. Perhaps when viewing the stars or night sky they will feel a strong connection to their home. They may also be born with special psychic and visionary abilities or other magical powers unusual to those around them - though these powers may not fully be realized or utilized until later in life.

While I could deeply relate to many of these concepts, having had several vivid extraterrestrial experiences by this point, a deep longing for a long-lost ancient home with lost friends and family, a strong connection to space, the stars and the night sky, a love for aliens/UFO's, and the constant awareness of being a misfitting individual who could see through the systems in place - I still did not yet click to or fully remember my mission, my connections, or my past knowings of who I am.

I can clearly recall searching the term "Starseed" in 2014 and discovering Psyberfairy's earlier forms where she shared experiences with being a Starseed. At the time I was not ready for the delivery of this information and my first impression was that the information was probably untrue or distorted from the truth. I then put all of these experiences out of my mind and went on with life.
It was not until late 2014 when I took LSD for the first time that I also met several enlightened and awakened individuals at the same location where I was attending a festival in Melbourne, Australia. The following year, one of these individuals introduced me to a Starseed friend in New Zealand who was known at the time as Ambassador Ehani. Upon contacting him at the beginning of 2015, we met with immediate recognition and he proceeded to provide a list of words, awakening codes, and triggers of remembrance that were designed to call in my latent memories of Starseed Origins.

I went through an undeniable and pleasant awakening in which lost remembrances were pouring into my being with great rapidity, and it began to feel that the magic of life was at my own fingertips and that I would no longer have to feel so alone. He introduced me to a large community of other space beings that I began to recognize as lost friends and family from other lifetimes and planets.
I then rediscovered Psyberfairy at this time through an interview that she had synchronistically partaken in with Ambassador Ehani, conducted by Brad Johnson, who I also later went on to be interviewed by. By this time I was more spiritually prepared to understand the content that was delivered in the videos, and I found that all related information began to make deeper sense to me.
It was through one of Ehani's videos at the time that I was given the method by which to directly contact and visibly see lightships in the sky with my physical eyes. It was through him that I was also introduced to a great number of Starseed's all around the world and I began to really click to the fact that I had never been alone on this planet, and that star connections from ancient lifetimes are a real thing and that many of us are here together on this planet right now, helping one another.

One of the single most important Starseed Channel's that I was introduced to at the time and which I still will very highly recommend for anyone who might believe themselves to be a Starseed (and who might be wondering where they should begin to recover some of their lost memories, what to do next, and how to discover awareness of their mission on this planet) is: ARCTURUS RA.
My personal recommendation is to begin with some of his earliest videos and move through them chronologically, for I have found this to be a most powerfully enlightening/awakening experience.
Some of Ra's videos will absolutely shatter the programming in your mind and reset your whole being, so that much like Morpheus was to Neo in the original Matrix film, your life will never quite be the same once you come into the awareness of who you really are and what you are capable of on this earth. I consider many of Arcturus Ra's videos, especially some of the earlier ones, to be a very direct link and personal course into developing your own individual powers as a Starseed.
Throughout my whole life I began to increasingly remember more of my own origins but there was certainly still a catalyst moment for me during the beginning of 2015 which really changed the direction of my life, opening magical portals around me where before there had been uncertainty.

Throughout 2013 I would often listen to psytrance music such as "Space Tribe" and through this I began to discover that I could telepathically communicate with extraterrestrials through visions and trance states. Through connecting with them in these ways I was able to then get messages through to them and they began to contact me in a more physical sense. While I had not yet seen lightships in the sky until 2015, I did have an experience prior to that year where I was physically taken up on a UFO in a parallel dimension (which I describe in greater detail in both my journal: "The Divine Union" and in this video: "Personal UFO Experiences"). The reason I say "physically" is due to the fact that I am quite familiar with dreams, lucid dreams, and astral experiences - and this experience was not as any of these. It is my belief that I was somehow within a parallel dimension in my physical body - or at the very least, a very similar body to this, but that I was not lucid dreaming.
My experience which was largely removed from my memory at first, came back gradually as I came back into consciousness on my bed coughing and unable to breathe properly for quite some time. As I began to piece the memories back together I was able to vividly recall that after loudly hearing a UFO outside my room, I had got up from my bed, and upon peering outside had seen a completely see-through and almost tube-like structure that led up into a UFO. I was able to see several people inside of the ship, all of who were black-skinned and of different ages and sexes. The main ET that I saw emanated with such love and understanding that I trusted him right away, and going outside, I awaited as they reached out their hands while flying closer to the ground, and I climbed up inside.

The ship was then sealed and we flew higher into the sky and I noticed that the main ET's eyes were changing color and that his right eye had turned completely green. He was injured and holding his arm which had been bleeding, and they had not been met with a warm welcome on earth. They then took me for a short flight to some desolate areas of the earth and their main message to me was that the planet, the water, and trees are all dying and that we must do something about it.

Even after this huge catalyst of an event, I still did not awaken to my own starseed origins until almost two years later. But I do believe that communicating with extraterrestrials first through psytrance music is one of the most effective ways in which we can get messages to them and encourage contact in more physical-like forms, as in the experience I have just outlined above.

Prior to my starseed awakening, I also read a book in 2014 called "Cosmic Trigger" which speaks of several extraterrestrial experiences throughout it - and simply reading this book at the time did begin to unveil a variety of different synchronistic events, one major synchronicity which had further led me to a website on UFO's and Extraterrestrials by the name of "Cosmic People".

This website has a HUGE list of resources, books, and information called the "Library of Light" with over 7000 pages of texts to freely download on many of these topics. Not all of the information there is going to be accurate, and discernment is obviously required - but I have personally found that many recollections, memories and awakenings have taken place within me during the reading of the content found on their website. I had been reading all of these things prior to my own starseed remembrances, yet after I had been given the term "Starseed" by fairies in March of 2014.
Another extremely fascinating resource are the TerraKor Files, which you can read all about here.

What we have to realize is that we find ourselves in a world that has deeply programmed us to see many of these things as impossible, farfetched, or overimaginative. There is also unfortunately a great deal of misinformation out there now which has been infiltrating the starseed collective in an attempt to turn it into some kind of an empty and fast-paced trend.

The word "Starseed" actually was especially popularized by Dr. Timothy Leary in the early 1970's when he used it in reference to a particular comet (Comet Kohoutek) as well as for a symbol left behind on a meteorite. While he was locked in prison he came out with two books regarding this, one of which was simply called "Starseed: Transmitted from Folsom Prison" and which can be read here. And a longer, more detailed book entitled "Terra II: A Way Out (The Starseed Transmission)".

The latter text contains several fascinating symbols, writings, and transmissions on the topic of telepathic connection with extraterrestrials, as well as some early theories of our life on this planet having been seeded from the stars, with a return to our home families and planets being available through a process of birth (which we are continuing to undergo on this planet). The sufferings and pain on the planet earth being described as birthing pains from the womb as we travel back home. There are full instructions given in this book of organizing a group of people to explore all of this.

Through these intriguing origins, the word "Starseed" has now continued to evolve to refer to humans born on this planet with the clear knowledge of having originated in outer space, and who then use that knowledge wisely and methodically to help prepare and assist for what comes next.

It helps immensely in comprehending the evolution and meanings of "Starseed" to first understand some of these early and original topics and writings. Timothy Leary was able to transmit knowledge using telepathic connection and writing - something which we continue to be able to do to this day.

Cosmic People gives the necessary instructions on how to achieve this in the first "Talks with Teachings from my Cosmic Friends" book which is available on their website. This book explains that after maintaining loving and harmonious intentions, surrounding ourselves in good vibrations, and so on - that we can establish telepathic contact with our cosmic friends by requesting the creathor thus: "Dear Creator, the beloved one, I'm asking you for a contact with my cosmic friends."

This is how we can establish contact without having to rely on telescopes, radios, technology, etc.

It is then explained that one should have the purest thoughts and love in the heart, and a pen and paper prepared to transmit the writings. While writing, one should beam with love and not insert thoughts of our own or any doubts whatsoever. Find the communication point at the center of your chest (the heart chakra) which serves as an intuitive protection also against negative entities - while providing accurate and heart-felt information.

In this way we can gradually build up conscious friendships with our cosmic family and friends.

Timothy Leary used a similar method as he describes in Terra II: "The signals were received in the form of neural patterns, images. (...) Each night the recorder would type a few pages summarizing and illustrating the day's transmission. The signals came in no logical order. The recorder would pose a question and the scryer might answer them with Terra I logic or fact ... but sometimes, unpredictably, there would begin singing a revelation from the interstellar perspective. It became clear that Galactic Intelligence is here on the planet continually transmitting. The barrier has been the inability of the human nervous system to open up and receive the signal. (...) The trick for understanding U.F.O.'s is to assume, temporarily, that higher intelligence does exist and is broadcasting through the Galactic Network. Then, put yourself in the place of the Higher Intelligence. Do not view it as alien. Try to become a collaborator, a receiver. Courage and hope are key factors. (...) The problem in Interstellar Communication is attention. Higher Intelligence beams electro-magnetic signals on the planet. Everyone is too busy with embryonic competitions and worries to listen. The signal. (...) Unavoidably the style is that of the recorder because the transmission was not received in the English language."

What is very exciting about this is that through this type of telepathic connection, when we establish contact first through the pen - these beings will begin to answer our questions and make shifts and changes in our lives. They will teach and guide us, and ultimately they can start to show themselves to us as lightships in the sky and so forth. By establishing direct communication with them, and befriending them - you can begin to request actually meeting with them. The possibilities which may unfold for you upon doing this (after having established close contact) are endless.

What we are talking about here is going to at first sound unusual to any that may not share in these experiences right away - for even after my own extraterrestrial encounters, the process to realize the truth in a lot of this information was a slow and gradual one that led up to a catalyst moment in which all of the other pieces began to merge into a tangible and verifiable reality. None of the information shared on this page is designed to convince anyone of anything, but if you are a Starseed, you will eventually and quite naturally feel drawn to whatever information is going to assist you in your own awakening.

The words that I share here are for the purpose of assisting those who already know on some level. There ARE ways for you to come into contact with your lost and ancient connections and families.
Follow your own heart and internal guidance when the signs and messages appear to assist you into the knowledge of your own powers. And listen to the songs and videos in the section below to assist in your own recollections and to foster the growth and remembrance of your ancient roots."
- Jeremy Garner, Sky Gloria
Outer space Downloads

Alien-Themed Videos & music
to ACTIVATE & help you TO remember