the andromedan empire

stage vi. database

The databanks of the universe are packed with resourceful information and each section of information is disseminated from the central database which is the accumulation of all the databases.

What this means is that the central database would not exist without the outspread databases because the central database is the accumulation of all of them - and yet all of them depend upon the central database to access any of the data that they contain.

And so it is the new and old universal dilemma of origin and cause and effect and the question of reliance and what depends on what for its own existence and whence it came from.

We can eliminate this confusion and bring light to this process by wilful demonstration of words sent to your mind - using your mind as the example of a central database and these words as the example of outspread data, we can show you how this process works.

So your mind being the central database is constantly taking in new information from all around you. Each of your senses is a portal through which information is taken into your mind from
all about you.

When you touch something, when you see something, when you feel something and so on - you take pieces of this data and store it in your memory bank and your internal central database.

You can then borrow from this storehouse at any time. For example when you wish to bring forth a story you might piece various bits of data that you have accumulated and construct something new and unique from them through combining them in ways that have not previously been done.

This new creation would then exist as separate to the central database - and its pieces were born from the central database - and yet those pieces also existed in different forms before being restructured and sent out in new forms from the central database.

So if we give you this formula: BEGINNING MIND (CDB) = EMPTINESS, VOID, and DARKNESS + BEGINNING OUTSPREAD DATABASES (separate to the Central DataBase and yet databases in and of themselves) = PRESENT MIND (CDB) in a process of ABSORPTION/OBSERVATION of the OUTER MIND which = PRESENT MIND (CBD) with ACCUMULATED INFORMATION from the OUTER MIND + BIRTHING of the PRESENT MIND based on ACCUMULATIONS = NEW CREATIONS IN THE OUTER MIND (having stemmed from the accumulations in the present mind).

These “new creations” are of the combination of Central DataBase and Pre-Central DataBase (original outer mind) and they now exist in the Secondary Outer Mind in new forms formed by the process of ASSIMILATION of the Central DataBase which DISSEMINATES destruction through the breakdown of causes in the central database opening potentials of light-filled energy to pour themselves to you from volcanic molten.

It is through the illusion of MAKING SENSE and the promise of what our SENSES will unveil that we hold onto the pinpoint of promise and in doing so reveal to ourselves the illusion itself as existing beneath the illusion in a higher format than the one which is below.

If none of these words MAKE SENSE then they have failed in their ability to CREATE a new sense from the central mind and into the outer.

If they have succeeded then your mind will now contain a new component and a new sense - one of both discernment and rapid comprehension of vague concepts.

If this has been enabled in you through the chaos then strength be to you.

If it has left you in confusion then you will comprehend it all.


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