the andromedan empire

stage v. the empire pt.2

It is with the utmost interest that we dedicate our time to the observation of other planetary communications and withhold the necessary information that causes the observers of those planets to inform their minds with that which they most require.

In other words, that which you don’t know can sometimes be of more importance than that which you do for when you do not know something it allows for the expansion of the imaginative qualities. Imagination is the key to all things in the universe and the underestimation of its
powers is in itself due to the imagination.

You have to be able to imagine that the imagination has no power before it has no power and you can equally imagine that it does have power to recognize its power but it is at all times powerful because it can even imagine itself into presumed non-power.

If you use the imagination wisely you can form whichsoever empire of your own that you desire.

It is not of importance for us to describe to you our precise formations as these are limiting structures to the powers that each individual wields to add their own sight and angle to the kaleidoscopic nature of all things.

An apple on your planet to us can appear as any color including red and each individual would perceive it differently but the necessary qualities that are normally concealed within the interpretation of that color or form are understood in the language of that individual’s own intuition. For example, red to you might mean danger, warning, or stop - but it does not mean an
apple is dangerous to eat - whereas a certain type of red berry or the red shown on a spider to alert you, may be poisonous.

You know the difference based on contextual, experiential and intuitional information. In the same way if a being sees an apple as orange, yellow, red, blue, etc - it will still convey the necessary information to them of whatever it is they require to know about that object without that entirely being based on the color or formative qualities.

The difference is that each individual’s world is experienced in very different ways - and yours is much the same though you may not always be as conscious of the fact.

When we speak to you of location, form, and figure, your mind has the ability to fill in the gaps and
your imagination comes into active play.

Each individual perceives and receives this information differently based on their previous experiences, the ability of their own imaginative qualities and their desires.

A painter may depict their version and another painter theirs and they may be completely different however there will be a common thread that harmonizes the two as one.

All interpretations are equally valid.

The empire is that of your mind and your own expansive universe.

To expand your own universe into new capabilities and territories and thus to reach us you have to expand your own imagination and mental abilities.

This is done through the exercising of practical thought forms which is achieved throughout your everyday life.

When you are faced with any particular circumstance which you consider undesirable - this is your perfect opportunity to expand upon your imaginative powers.

Remember that the master of the imagination has the power to wield all magic in all worlds and have every true desire fulfilled in the face of all odds.

This is achieved by obtaining the full qualities of imagination.

Imagine all situations and circumstances however you desire in order to exercise and develop your imaginative qualities to supreme levels of wondrous mastery.

access stage VI