spiritual techniques

beauty spells

The following spells are designed to connect you with Aphrodite and help you to develop greater self-love, beauty, and divine radiance. These spells were sent in by Renata, but they originate from a variety of locations across the internet so that the original authors of these spells are unknown.

Thank you, Aphrodite

For teaching me so much about 
the love and beauty I deserve to feel
Thank you, Aphrodite
For showing me that I truly am a wonderful person
Thank you, Aphrodite

For helping me fight my depression
Thank you, Aphrodite

For giving me the self confidence to move forward in life
Thank you, Aphrodite 

For showing me that there’s nothing wrong with female sexuality
And that it doesn’t define my worth
Thank you, Aphrodite

For blessing me with joy in each and every day
Thank you, Aphrodite

For blessing me with beauty
Thank you, Aphrodite

For letting me be your devotee

Thank you, Aphrodite!

Thank you so so very much!

The bright red in a rose is where I find your lips in

Leafs dancing in the wind are your locks

In my love and instinct I touch your fingers

Sunset skies, where I can look at you in the eye

In my sudden happiness is your shine

While I find lights and flowers

I dive in your waters and your foam caresses

Wind caresses

Colors caress

It is your presence which caresses

I live inside your light, Aphrodite

And I love you, Aphrodite.
I love you as everything I love in my life

To devote and to dedicate it fully to you is just the least I could do

Now that I have finally found you

Most beautiful one for eternity

My goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite

Goddess, I fall on my knees

In Your veneration
The gifts You have given me

The love, by gods the love. 

The love I have for myself

And the love I have for others.

And I let them pale for a moment

As I exclaim my love for You

Humbly at Your feet

And at every temple step, 
I would set fire to the world

For it to burn brightly as Your altar.

Merciless Goddess of Love

You have set my heart aflame

With a wave of Your hand and a smirk

And I will be singing Your praises still

As I smolder in the arms 

Of the woman You sent

For she holds me so tenderly

And speaks so highly of me

I know she could have only been borne

Of Your marrow and thought. 

Teach me how to love her properly

As You love me

And let me lift up her soul

As You have wrought mine from the trenches. 

These praises and more

Forever be Yours.

The following spell is in Portuguese and is more a simple and effective prayer for protection:
Senhora do Mar
Nascida do Mar
Mais bela entre todas as Deusas
Esteja comigo e me proteja
translation would be something like:
Goddess of the sea
Born from the sea
The most beautiful among every other goddess
Be with me and protect me

Aphrodite is a fickle goddess. But I have seen her.
She stands at the mirror with you in the morning,
Primping and preening even if the only thing you did was wash your face.
She stands behind you as you stammer out your feelings to another,
And remains even if you are rejected.
Even a Goddess can be spurned, but she knows love returns.
She claps her hands in delight
As you flaunt that outfit you have been too afraid to wear for too long.
She steadies the hand of the young man who shakily picks up a shimmering highlighter.
She proudly watches the young woman
Who aggressively snips her hair fiercely short at her bathroom counter.
She is a soft shoulder to cry on when you had to leave someone
Who did not give you your righteous due.
She’s there for the first kiss and there for the thousandth.
She’s in every moment you give a piece of your heart to another.
And the ones you have saved for yourself.
And though I struggle to see her in me.
I have seen her, in each and every one of you.

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