Spiritual techniques

out of body experiences & astral travel

There are many methods through which one might achieve an Out of Body Experience. These range from the use of sounds and frequencies to sleeping positions, or mantras and magic phrases to concentration techniques and willpower; but a determined individual who practices the right techniques for a consistent period of time will eventually achieve the result of being out of body.

We are clearly not just our physical forms, and when we go to sleep at night, our astral bodies rise up and out from the physical body and travel into another dimension through which we will often bring back dreams and recollections of other people, places, and worlds. Sometimes just as people are falling asleep they may suddenly jolt back awake after a feeling of suddenly falling - which perhaps indicates the astral body falling back into the physical body. But due to our consciousness being largely asleep, we tend to overlay the potential astral experience with a variety of visions, thoughts, and different memories related to subconscious thoughts from earlier in the day.
The ability to consciously astral project however is very different to an unconscious dream, for when we astral project, we can clearly feel ourselves rising up out of our body in a very tangible and distinct form, into a parallel world where we can interact with others, or travel to distant locations at will in a way which feels very different to what we might be used to in dreaming.

The initial stages of leaving the body can also be accompanied by quite terrifying sensations such as sleep paralysis, or astral vibrations where the entire body feels as if it is being electrocuted, or one might feel that their whole bed is shaking, or that their body is being prodded; or they may hear loud sounds of bangs and clangs, or they may feel or hear external voices and beings around them - among some of the many things which might occur during the transitional stage into the astral.

  If we have never experienced anything like this before it can be quite unsettling at first and so this is why it is good to have a guidebook to help such as Robert Peterson's "Out of Body Experiences: How to Have Them and What to Expect", which is an absolutely amazing (and free) book which will take you through all of the basics, step by step, through a variety of daily exercises to try which will start off with very simple practices, before becoming more advanced as the course continues on. The book is also interspersed with personal experiences and detailed descriptions of the types of things which might happen to someone first setting out on these journeys, and what they might do.

If you also scroll down to the "OBE-related" section of the "Recommended Reading List" on Bird's Lucid Dreaming website, you will find an extensive list of fabulous resources for out of body travel.

Another very successful method to achieve successful out of body travel, with very little effort involved at all, is to utilize the powerful effects of Pauline Anna Strom's instrumental album "SPECTRE".
This is a most powerful album which will invoke spirits into your room who can directly assist you to leave your body. The way to achieve it is to go to sleep early and as you normally would, but set an alarm for the early hours of the morning such as around 3AM or 4AM. When you wake, turn on the light and spend 5 minutes or so just reading and thinking about astral projection. Then lay back down in your bed with the intention to astral project. Having previously downloaded the album "SPECTRE" press play on the full album, and have it playing relatively quietly through speakers (even phone speakers, but not through headphones). Then roll over on whatever side you would normally go to sleep and sleep just as you normally would. No other method is required.

What will then happen is that the album will likely entirely finish playing and you will be in a sleep or mid-sleep state, and may even be semi-aware that the music has stopped, and still very little or nothing may occur. But suddenly out of nowhere you will begin to experience the astral symptoms, and you may begin to feel or hear spirits in the room which will assist and guide you out of body. Sometimes they can grab you around the ankles and pull you right out, or other times you will just feel yourself naturally merging into an astral projection. It is not certain why or how this works, but there is something in the music which invokes spirits to help you fly out and into the astral plane.

In general, if you develop your ability to concentrate upon one single thought, and you utilize this as you are falling asleep, effectively keeping your mind awake on one single concentrated thought, while the body falls asleep - then you will begin to experience these other dimensional realities.
You may also walk around a room in your house and observe all of the details very carefully, and then get into bed and re-visualize every detail in precisely the same way that you just observed it - and sometimes if you catch the moment just right, you will find yourself transported consciously to that location. You can then over time, repeat this same practice for nature or distant locations that you would like to visit in the out of body or astral state.

To access a more in-depth course on advanced astral projection techniques through a careful series of very specific exercises performed over a nine-week time frame, read Part Four of Faerie Magic. Anyone who dedicates themselves to practice those techniques precisely as they are described, diligently for nine weeks, will within a short time go through undeniable otherworldly experiences.